Graphics Design

Ramadan/Easter Promo!
Available Till April 30, 2024.

We are offering you a 10% price slash for all our services.
Take advantage of it now!

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Now, you can speak your language with our designs.

We help you to create
that lasting impression
with our designs.

  1. Flex Banners
  2. All Social Media customised posts and banners designs
  3. Posters & flyers (for online and printing)
  4. YouTube thumbnails
  5. Business cards
  6. Wedding, child dedication, Funeral, housewarming, and Programme Invitation Cards.
  7. Book covers
  8. online course promotional designs
  9. Brochures & magazines layouts/designs.

Our Portfolio

LD Media - Your Digital Media Partner - Engage Us Today

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to live in Nigeria before I can get your services?

No, you can enjoy all our services from any country you reside. We have customers from different countries. Feel free to engage us for any service no matter your country.

If I already have a website, can you manage it for me?

Yes of course, we don’t just design websites, we can also manage your already existing website.

Do I need to make payment upfront before?

Our payment plan depends on the service we are rendering to you. Some services will require upfront advance payment of a certain percentage of the total package while some will require no upfront payment till your job is completed. The payment pattern of each service will be contained in the project/job brief you will receive from us.

Why do I need to schedule for WhatsApp call?

LD Media is your partner not just a service provider. We adopt a colloborative approach to serving you. The WhatsApp call is a discovery call where we learn more about your business or company; your values, your USP, your vision, your growth path, and everything that will enable us to give you the services and create a memorable experience.

Do I need to schedule a WhatsApp call for every service you are to render to me?

No. Some of our services do not need a WhatsApp call to execute the projects except you request for it.

How long will it take to get my job completed?

We complete all our projects at the shortest possible time. This is dependent on the volume of the project and the resources required to complete it. But most importantly, we work with your time schedule for all your projects.

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