7 Expert Tips for Securing the Perfect Domain Name for Your Business.


Selecting an impactful domain name for your business is a critical decision, comparable in importance to choosing the business name itself. In today’s digital age, where online presence is paramount, companies often prioritize finding an available domain name even before finalizing their company name.

When I was sourcing my business’ name in 2015, one of the major things I put into consideration was its suitability as a website domain name. So, the considerations were, if I am choosing this name for my business, how nice would it appear as a website name, how easy would it be for people searching for my business online, how short would it be, what is its availability and how related is it to the overall business idea? Having this in mind, guided me in my choice of business name.


Also, these have always formed the basics of crafting business names for my clients who have plans to scale up their businesses online through digital platforms like websites and social media.

This article will guide you through seven valuable tips to ensure you secure the best possible domain name for your business.

Keep It Short and Simple

This is the “KISS” acronym which is popular among journalism works. It is a key feature of having a great domain name. Shorter domain names are generally more effective. While the availability of three and four-letter dot com domain names is scarce, aim for a concise name, ideally within ten to fifteen letters. Alternatively, two three-word domain names are often ideal, striking a balance between memorability and brevity.

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For instance, a domain name like “choko.com” will be easier for people to memorise and remember than “chokoandchokointernationalbusineescomglomerate.com”. The second example would be a turnoff to potential visitors to your website.

This corroborates the need to take your domain name into consideration from the point of choosing your business name. You can also seek the services of digital media consultants or expert website designers to help you craft a good domain name for your business.

You can get a free consultation on this from LD Media. Our digital media professionals will guide you through securing a perfect domain name for your business.

Get a Brandable Domain Name

Choose a domain name that is brandable and memorable. A brandable domain often features interesting letter combinations, has a pleasing pronunciation, or possesses visual appeal. While they may not be explicitly descriptive, they efficiently create a connection between your website and your brand.

While crafting your domain, you should make sure that it prominently represents your brand of business. There shouldn’t be any ambiguity. And, even if the name is an acronym, it should be pronounced smoothly.

For me, people who know your business should be able to guess your website domain. This is also expedient in gaining more online visibility for your business.

Describe Your Purpose

A domain name that succinctly describes your business’s purpose can attract more traffic. Opt for a name that gives visitors an immediate clue about your offerings. For example, a “FlowerDelivery.com” is more descriptive and likely to be clicked than a generic “FD.com.”

By just seeing your domain name, people should know what your business is all about. There is a need to factor in this key feature when securing your domain.

A real estate company that has a domain name like “memeconsulting.com” will make it difficult for visitors to know their area of business. This will reduce how they are searched and found online.

Avoid Numbers and Hyphens

Steer clear of numbers and hyphens in your domain name, as they can be challenging to remember. Simplify your domain name for easy recall, reducing the risk of losing visitors to similar domain names without these elements.


As stated severally, people should be able to type in your website in the domain bar of their browsers by just mentioning it to them. They don’t need to struggle to remember your domain name, much more struggling to figure out where they should put hyphens. Additionally, having hyphens and numbers in your domain name is not healthy for your website’s optimisation and ranking.

Secure a .com Extension (Preferably)

While various domain extensions exist and are good too, securing a .com extension is crucial. This is because it’s the most popular and widely recognised extension, ensuring that your domain is easily remembered by visitors.

If you have a competitor with a similar domain of a .com extension while you have another extension, visitors will find them more because online users intuitively add a .com extension to their searches. So, mainly, it’s all about its popularity.

While other top-level domains (TLD) are good, a .com extension is preferable. Go for it if it’s available.

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Avoid Misspellings in Your Domain

Avoid domain names with complex spellings or unusual letter combinations. You don’t want potential clients ending up on a different webpage due to a simple spelling mistake. Keep it simple and easily understandable to enhance user experience.

When purchasing a domain name, there is a need for you to cross-check your spelling multiple times before the final orders. Don’t let potential customers have difficulty finding you with your correct name while you have put the wrong name out there. Ensure that your URL contains the correct name of your business.

Watch Out for Trademarks

Before finalizing a domain name, conduct a thorough check to ensure it does not infringe on any trademarks. Using a trademarked name could lead to legal issues, potentially resulting in the loss of the domain. Be cautious and choose a name that aligns with your brand without infringing on established trademarks.

Tools To Create Good Domain Name

There are many free online tools to generate perfect domain names for your business. Most of these tools only require you to type in some keywords that describe your business or the services your business renders, and they will generate a list of possible domain names you can use. These are AI-powered tools, while suggesting the name for your website, they factor in these features that make perfect domain names which I have discussed here.

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You can check them out:

Hostinger Ai Domain Name Generator

This tool by Hostinger allows you to input your business name and related words and it will generate suggested names with the available TLDs.

Domainr Name Search

This is one of my favourites. Just like the Hostinger name generator, it will allow you to type in keywords related to your business, it will generate possible domain names for your business and also tell you the ones that are available and the ones taken with different TLDs.

Bust A Name

This, while taking the same pattern of allowing you to add words about your business, will suggest names with the option of selecting the TLDs you want it to add to the suggestions.


Choosing the right domain name is a pivotal step in establishing a strong online presence for your business. By adhering to these seven tips, you can ensure that your domain name is not only memorable but also aligns with your brand, enhances user experience, and avoids potential legal complications. Invest time and consideration in selecting the perfect domain name – a decision that can significantly contribute to your business’s success in the digital realm.

Get A Website That Befits Your Business.

Do you need help in getting a perfect website that is suitable for your brand and ensures a great online experience for your business? Consider engaging the services of LD Media. We have experienced Website Builders and Graphic Designers that can take up your project from start to finish. We also have professional content creators who will ensure that the contents on your website resonate with your website visitors.

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  • Duke Imandu

    Duke Imandu is an accomplished writer and content creator, boasting an impressive portfolio of creative works. A graduate of Mass Communication, Duke possesses extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in both traditional and digital media. His professional journey includes a notable stint as a News Editor with a prominent defunct local newspaper in Nigeria and an Online Editor for a News Blog. In the realm of digital expertise, Duke has successfully carved out distinctive niches for himself, excelling in website design, copywriting, digital content creation, and graphics. His proficiency is further bolstered by certifications in digital marketing from Google, photography/video production from Shaw Academy in Dublin Ireland, and Virtual Assistant training from ALX, where he currently holds membership in the esteemed The Room. With over a decade of experience, Duke also serves as a life and leadership coach, contributing significantly to various developmental projects aimed at empowering the youths. His literary achievements extend to the authorship of books available on major platforms, including Amazon, reflecting his commitment to academic and business research in the fields of communication, digital media and artificial intelligence. As the visionary team leader and founder of LD Media, Duke Imandu also actively collaborates as a development partner for various business outlets. In addition to his core communication skills, Duke brings a dynamic set of professional skills in Public Relations and Virtual Assistance, making him a versatile asset in the ever-evolving landscape of media and communications.

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